Technology significantly impacts a business’s success, and having the right tools can help you stand out from the crowd. QubeApps is POSBANK’s authorized distributor in Malaysia. Therefore, we are committed to providing local businesses in various industries with point-of-sale (POS) hardware solutions designed to improve both the efficiency of their operations and the level of customer satisfaction. Because of our extensive knowledge and strong partnership with POSBANK, we can provide individualized and cutting-edge solutions ideal for meeting Malaysian businesses’ ever-changing needs.


Our Role and Expertise

Our partnership with POSBANK, a global leader in point-of-sale (POS) hardware technology, is based on our commitment to providing Malaysian businesses with innovative ways to conduct their operations. Our company specializes in supplying POSBANK’s high-quality point-of-sale (POS) hardware, which is built to withstand the demands of both busy restaurant and retail environments. Because we have such a thorough understanding of these industries, we can provide you with tailored and robust solutions.


Why should you choose POSBANK?

POSBANK’s hardware solutions are designed to be dependable and long-lasting, critical for managing high-volume transactions and environments requiring quick service. Their sleek looks, powerful performance, and user-friendliness have earned them a well-deserved reputation.


In-Depth Product Specifications

  • APEXA Series

The APEXA series is designed to handle high-volume transactions efficiently, improving customer service during peak hours. Its modern appearance and powerful processing capabilities make it an excellent choice.


  • MAZIC Series

Flexible and efficient, the MAZIC series adapts to any store setting, providing customizable options catering to small boutiques and large department stores.


  • BIGPOS Series

The BIGPOS series, well-known for its durability, can handle complex operations in larger business spaces. This series ensures durability and dependability even in the most demanding of conditions.


Tailored Benefits for Malaysian Markets

As your local POSBANK distributor, we ensure that the integration of POSBANK’s hardware into your company is a smooth and beneficial process by providing the following services:

  • Customized Installation

Personalized configurations that are completely compatible with the operations of your industry.

  • Assistance from Locally Based Experts

Instant and informed support ensures your hardware performs to its full potential.

  • Training and Maintenance

You will get dependable maintenance services and comprehensive training sessions for your team.


Prepare your business for the future.

Our point-of-sale (POS) hardware solutions have assisted numerous Malaysian businesses in improving the quality of service delivery and operational efficiency.


Future-Ready Your Business

Point-of-sale (POS) solutions that provide more than just transactions are the way to the future of your business. Today, work to improve your customers’ experiences and operational efficiency.


Call to Action

You should not delay transforming your business. Contact us immediately to discuss how our POSBANK solutions can be tailored to your requirements. Discover the advantages of working with an experienced professional right here in Malaysia, and see the difference it makes.

Published On: May 2, 2024 / Categories: Industry News / Tags: , /